Candy Ever After (Hot Candy Book 2) Page 3
That’s okay. He’s been too tense lately, and I’d been wondering what’s up with him.
Though I think I know. His folks. I heard him talking to his sister once on the phone about them. Hey, I wasn’t eavesdropping. I just happened to pass through the living room on my way out.
Man needs to unwind. Sure, he’s made huge progress since he decided he wants to be with us, but he’s not all the way there yet.
He still hasn’t faced his parents about his decision. On some days, I wonder if he ever will. He sure as hell doesn’t need their permission to live his life as he wants.
Only I also wonder if he’ll find peace of mind without hashing it out with them, without finding closure.
Rubbing a towel through my short hair, I let it drop to the floor. Then I pull the covers off the bed, exposing the dark, satin undersheet, and turn to find Candy and J kissing in the doorway. She’s on tiptoe, and he has his arms around her, crushing their bodies together.
Damn, they’re hot. They’re fucking sexy, and I’m not the watching type. I almost came earlier, when J exploded in Candy’s mouth as I was kissing him, and I’m damn close to coming right now.
I don’t go to them. I sit on the bed, spread my legs, and grip my hard-on with a grunt of relief.
They break apart and turn to look at me. I let them watch as I jack myself off with slow, measured strokes, because, like I said, I’m close, and I’d rather come inside Candy, or in J’s hand. I could jack us off together, and then I’d come all over his chest.
Or I’ll have Candy ride me, and—
“Jet.” Candy wags a finger at me, brows drawn together, and I groan when she advances on me, her tits bouncing. “Again you’re starting without me.”
“Technically, you were making out with J, so you started without me first.” I tug harder on my dick, so damn close to coming. I’ve been hard since we arrived home, goddammit. “Want me?”
Her steps falter, and I struggle to think what put that startled expression on her face. Hard to think when you’re so hard.
See what I did there? Pun.
Okay, not really, but fuck, I’m going out of my mind with want. “Come here.”
She huffs, but turns, grabs Joel’s hand, and drags him to the bed. I watch them from under my lashes, my breath catching. I mean, jeez, how’s a guy to keep from coming on the spot when his girlfriend and boyfriend are stalking him, such a predatory gleam in their eyes?
I fucking love it when they come after me, when they hunt me, and catch me, and crush me between the two of them.
Candy climbs on the bed beside me, plants a hand on my chest and pushes me down on the mattress. I go down gamely, despite the brief pang of disappointment when I realize they won’t put me between them tonight.
She leans over me, her hard nipples grazing my chest, and I wrap an arm around her as she kisses me. She tastes sweet, my Candy, and on her tongue I find a hint of Joel’s musk. It makes my balls go tight, and I growl in her mouth, hauling her closer until she’s draped over me.
I lick at her lips, pull back just an inch to draw a breath.
“Candy,” I grate out. “Sit on my cock.”
“Damn, yeah,” Joel growls as he walks around the bed to stand by my head, and my gaze zeroes in on his dick.
Nice. He never went completely soft after he came, and now he’s hardening again, fast, like I thought he would. Seeing Joel aroused excites me just as much as Candy’s desire. I really am an equal chances kind of guy.
But only when it comes to these two.
“What do you want to do?” Candy whispers, straddling my hips, commanding my full attention as she takes hold of my cock, her slim fingers wrapping around the base, making me groan with pleasure.
She’s looking at Joel. Waiting for his orders, and fuck, that’s hot. I’m a pretty self-reliant, untamed sort of guy, but in bed I fucking love it when Joel takes charge.
“I want you to ride him so hard he gets real loud,” Joel says, his voice gone gravelly and low, his eyes dark as he gives his dick a squeeze before letting go. It juts up, thick and long, trembling against his flat stomach. “I want you both to get loud, to lose control. And then I wanna come on your tits.”
Okay. He’s really specific, but as I put my hands on Candy’s hips, lifting her up, her lush tits with their sweet nipples inches from my face, I can see the appeal.
Oh yeah, I can definitely see it. This is gonna be fucking hot.
And then all thoughts flee my head as Candy sinks down on my dick, taking me deep. Her hands land on my chest, pressing into my pecs, and my head falls back when her pussy closes around my dick.
Damn, this is good. I won’t last long.
Joel’s hand smoothes back the hair from my forehead, his fingers twisting in it, pulling my head back further, and I moan loudly, because the slight sting shoots straight to my dick.
“That’s it,” he grunts. “I wanna hear you.”
He lets go of me, and I lift my head to see him kissing Candy, one hand locked behind her head, the other kneading her breast as she rocks on top of me.
Oh fuck me. My stomach clenches, and my balls draw up tighter. I bite my lip savagely and count backward from twenty to get my dick under control, but by then she’s crying out against Joel’s lips and clenching so tightly around my hard-on I stand no chance of delaying this any longer.
My orgasm rolls over me out of nowhere, the crushing pleasure making my back bow. I’m gritting my teeth, and I might have kept my moan quiet if Joel hadn’t released Candy in favor of putting a hand on my jaw and rubbing his thumb over my lips.
Breaking my last thread of control.
A groan rises in my throat, turning into a shout as my dick jerks, the relief bordering on pain. I hold on to Candy’s hips as she rocks gently, her pussy squeezing my cock with the aftershocks of her own orgasm. Her eyes are closed, her nipples diamond-hard, and the sight sends another bolt of fire through my balls.
I’m panting, desperately trying to catch my breath, when Joel lifts Candy off me, forcing a strangled groan from my lips.
“What the fuck, J?”
He’s placing her on her knees beside me, his blue eyes unfocused. “Need you, girl. Can you take me?”
“Oh God, yeah,” Candy moans, and fuck, despite having just come, my dick makes a valiant effort to regroup and stir.
Only a miracle would do that, though. I’m so spent my balls feel empty.
“I thought you wanted to come on her tits,” I wheeze, folding an arm behind my head to watch better.
“Forget about that,” he says, his voice strained. “I wanna be inside her.”
Sure, no objection there. Being inside Candy is like being in paradise. Hot, tight, perfect, her body warm and soft, her moans low and throaty.
It’s like going home. She is our home.
Plus, Joel is so fucking needy today, his precious control’s cracking all over the place. Makes me wonder whether I should worry about him.
Lazily I reach down for my spent cock as Joel drives into Candy from behind, his face drawn with concentration and desire, as she rocks back against him, moaning his name.
My dick is limp but desire is coiling in my gut, and some blood manages to rush back in, making me semi-hard. It feels good, so I tug lightly on my semi, my lids heavy.
This is all good, what we have, the three of us. I’ve never felt so content in my life, and seeing Joel fuck Candy, having her ride me, everything we have is a fucking reward for everything I’ve gone through before.
Hm. If they keep at it, I might be ready to go again in a couple of minutes, but judging from the sounds Joel is making…
He reaches under her, and from her moan I know he’s working her clit as he fucks her harder, faster. She’s looking at me, even as her eyes droop closed, and I smirk.
She’s gone.
Joel thrusts inside her a few more times, grunting, and she lets out a little wail as she pushes back against him. He gasps and snaps his hips,
his gaze wide, and it finds mine as he comes, a laser shot to my body.
I’m fully hard now, and I want his mouth, or his hand on my dick, I want—
“Oh crap,” Candy says, horror in her big eyes, and lifts a hand to point at our alarm clock on the bedside table. “We’re late!”
So we’re about to have lunch with Candy’s parents. Hadn’t she mentioned coffee? Why are we going so early?
How did this day go tits up so fast? First we find them in our apartment without warning, and now we’re getting ready to meet them again, meaning I’m walking around with my dick still hard and aching, my mind in full what-the-fuck mode.
“Where the fuck are my boots?” I growl.
“In the Drawing Room,” Candy says, pointing toward the bedroom we’ve converted into a drawing-slash-storeroom.
Fine. “And where the hell is my Megadeth T-shirt?”
“You seriously gonna wear that to a lunch with Candy’s parents, fucker?” Joel hisses.
Wrong move.
“What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?” I jab a finger at his chest, his still bare, muscular chest, refusing to be distracted.
“My ass? You’re the one walking around like someone pissed in your cornflakes. Let’s face it, the first impressions we gave weren’t the best.”
I grit my teeth not to retort something I’ll regret. Gotta remember Joel and his unresolved hang-up on parents and their expectations.
So I turn to go in search of my fucking boots and T-shirt, only to find out he’s not done yet.
“This is our chance to convince them we’re good for their daughter.”
I whirl back around. “Yeah? And if we don’t manage to convince them? What then? Will they put Candy in an all-girls boarding school and send us off to Hogwarts?”
Joel lifts a dark brow and folds his arms over his chest, thick biceps bulging, damn him. “Harry Potter references, fucker, really?”
“So what?” I mutter irritably.
It’s one of the things Candy got me into—Harry Potter. She decided it was a good series to help me improve my non-existent reading skills, and although I’m much better at this reading stint now, I’ve grown fond of the books.
Which annoys me right now. It scares me, that I’m reading children’s books, and enjoying them. It’s as if I’ve gone back in time, to when I was still vulnerable and weak.
And why should it matter? I’m not in danger. I don’t need to be a fucking fortress anymore.
Lifting my hand, I rub at the scar on my chest. This visit from Candy’s parents has set Joel on edge, but it’s unsettled me, too. Not that I want to admit it, not even to myself.
When it comes to parents, I sure can’t say I’ve had a normal experience. My mom was a quiet mouse before my dad stabbed her to death, and then, this year, tried to kill me.
Talk about a fucked-up family.
“Jet, are you okay?” Candy comes to me, slips her arms around me, her bronze-and-gold eyes locking with mine. “We can cancel this. I’ll meet my parents another time.”
“No.” I soften. “Of course not. I’m fine.”
“Joel is unhappy, too,” she whispers and draws back a little to reach for him. “Come here, J.”
Joel shakes his head, but doesn’t hesitate. His arms come around us, and he pulls us to him. “I’m fine, too. Don’t worry, girl.”
“You two mean more to me than anyone else in the world,” she tells us, and I hide my face in the crook of her neck, because when she says things like that, it hits me square in the chest. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Joel says, and I nod.
She’s pretty, she’s funny, she’s hot, and I love her pink glasses. Her heart, though. Her heart is gold, and her smile is real whenever she turns it on us. I want her forever. I hope she knows. I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings.
Never had feelings for any girl like I do for her.
I fucking love her.
Chapter Four
“We’ll need a bigger place,” J-One says. “Maybe a house.”
“What for? Not enough space in our new bed for your favorite sex positions?” J-Two smirks. “A bigger shower might be nice, though. More shower sex. That’s my vote.”
J-One gives a long-suffering sigh. “Not for that, asstwat. For our future kids. With Candy. They’ll need space.”
“Damn.” J-Two’s face softens. “You got a point there, amigo. We’ll need a fucking big place…”
(Candy’s Note: What’s up with the Mexican references, huh? No idea where they came from, I swear.)
From Candy Ever After (Unpublished epilogue to the serial Candy Boys)
“So wonderful to see you boys again,” my mom gushes, face wreathed in smiles. “We didn’t get a chance to see you properly earlier.”
“Not dressed, anyway,” my dad mutters darkly.
Oh my God, he saw us, too? “Dad—”
“He’s just being contrary,” Mom says dismissively.
“Contrary seems to have an entirely different meaning for you than it does to most people,” Dad says. “I only saw something I can’t unsee.”
“That’s because he feels inadequate,” Mom says in a theatrical whisper.
Oh boy, can the earth open up and swallow me now, please?
“I don’t feel inadequate. My cock is just as big as that of the next guy.”
“But the next guy does get excited and hard,” Mom says, taking a sip of her water. “Which you do not.”
“Mom! Stop this.”
“What, talking? I would, if someone else did the talking. This is like a gathering of the deaf and mute.”
“Such a waste of time, when we could be finding out more about your lovely boyfriends. Right, boys?” She elbows Joel in the ribs, and he chokes on the water he’s been sipping. “Did you get it on after we left? Was it good?”
“Oh God.” Flames lick at my face. “You have no business asking my boyfriends if we fucked, Mom.”
“Didn’t you?”
“Of course we did. Twice.” Shit, my mouth is going out of sync with my brain, I can tell. Have to stop it. “I mean, not really.”
“Not really? What the fuck does that mean?” Jet mutters, dark eyes narrowing.
“Jet,” Joel says in a warning tone.
He scowls. “What? Yes, we had great fucking sex twice, and you also got a double blowjob, so shouldn’t you be relaxed and happy? Besides, Candy’s mom said earlier today we need to fuck Candy more. I’m just saying we did. That should put their mind at ease.”
“You fucked my daughter,” Dad says, his voice heavy.
I think I’m about to hyperventilate.
“She’s our girlfriend,” Jet points out, leaning forward, his dark gaze challenging. “What did you think we’d be doing together, playing chess?”
“You know what I do to guys who say things like that about my daughter?” Dad goes on.
Joel growls, his hands clenching on the table. “You be careful what you say next.”
“You don’t need to defend me,” Jet says.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Joel replies. “You’re digging yourself deeper with every word.”
“Could you guys please stop with this?” I’m mortified and on my way to spontaneous self-combustion.
Mom, though, has perked up at this turn of the conversation. “I want to hear more. How did you do it? Was it good?” She bats her lashes at Jet. “Please don’t stop on account of my husband.”
My face is honest to God blistering. “Mom, why can’t you leave this be? Why are we discussing who is fucking me and how we did it? After all these years, what do you care about how often I orgasm and how many men I do it with?”
A dense, pregnant silence spreads around me, a silence deeper than expected.
It takes me a moment to realize the whole restaurant has fallen silent an
d is staring.
At me.
I push my chair back. “Excuse me.”
Blindly, I rush toward the back of the restaurant and the sanctum of the bathroom, wishing this day—well, okay, apart from the totally awesome, toe-curling sex—hadn’t happened.
“What’s the matter?” Jet asks, wrapping me up in his arms.
“You shouldn’t be in the ladies’ bathrooms,” I sniffle, my voice muffled against his chest, his spicy, musky scent wafting from the well-worn cotton of this T-shirt, filling my senses.
“Psht. I’m secure in my sexuality,” Jet says, a hint of laughter in his voice. “Now tell me why you’re crying. Was it something I said?”
“What do you think?” I say accusingly.
“Your mom keeps bringing sex up. I thought it was cool. But whatever. I didn’t peg your parents as overly strict or mean.”
“They’re not.” That only makes me cry harder. “They’re good parents, but my mom is unhappy with my dad because he doesn’t give her what she wants in bed, and maybe she’ll leave him. Oh Jet…”
“Shush.” He rocks me a little. “Is this why you’re crying?”
Is it?
Before I can decide, another pair of arms come around us.
“Is she okay?” Joel asks, concern in his voice, his scent mingling with Jet’s, and I inhale deeply, feeling calmer.
“Not sure.” Jet wipes my cheeks with his thumbs. “Candy, are you pregnant?”
“What? I’m not pregnant!”
“Okay, okay. I was just asking.” He huffs.
“You can’t ask girls if they’re pregnant any time they get upset.”
“I don’t ask random girls if they’re pregnant,” Jet says indignantly. “I wouldn’t care if they were.”
“You’re missing the whole point.”
“She has PMS,” Joel says.
“What’s that?”
“She’s going to get her period,” Joel clarifies. “She’s hormonal.”